
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Trademark Law

You now may file an international trademark registration application for 85 countries right here in the Philippines. The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHIL) as of July 25, 2012 is part of the Madrid Protocol. This is an international registration system under World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) wherein one single trademark application can be filed for several countries such as the U.S., European Union, China, Japan and even North Korea.

The undersigned is one many legal professionals that attended the Madrid Protocol Training conducted by the IPOPHIL. See official LIST.

Latest News from the Web

Thrilla is San Jose
In what sure is to be the trial of the century for intellectual property law, Apple and Samsung are fighting over the touch screen tablet. Whoever wins get to rename the next iPhone or Galaxy. See LINK

I wonder what Madonna has to say about this…..
Richard Branson, the billionaire owner of many “Virgin” brands has filed a lawsuit against a clothing denim line claiming rights over the “Virgin” name. I shall not say more.  See LINK

They must rolling in their graves
The great grandsons of the Gucci founder have been barred by the same company from using their surname in competing products. Does anyone know if Louis Vuitton have any grandchildren? See LINK

The material in this online newsletter has been drafted and edited by Atty. Roderick Vera and is for informational purposes only. The material above does not constitute nor become legal advice. Please consult with an attorney for legal advice before relying on any information found on this newsletter. For any questions, inquiries or comments, please see the contact information above.

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